Australia has had a long and complex history with kava.
Australia, a country that has had a long and complex history with kava, has just changed its laws relating to kava. Until January 2022 kava was banned in Australia. The ban was first introduced in 2007 due to political motives. However now it's legal to be imported and sold under sweeping new changes made by the Australian federal government. The new Australian kava importation structure, known as the Phase 2 kava trial, allows for import of kava under a permit system. Kava is then allowed to be sold to the public under strict Australia and New Zealand Food Safety Standard guidelines.
It would appear the Australian government has decided to become more engaged with its Pacific neighbors. This includes freeing up importation of agricultural products from Vanuatu, Fiji, and others. The primary reason for this is that China's presence in the Pacific has grown considerably in the past decade. So, whilst, its great news for Australian kava drinkers, there is an argument that kava is being allowed to be imported more from a geopolitical angle than anything else.
The new laws have been praised by both the Australian Pacific Island Communities as well as seasoned kava drinkers. Media coverage of the kava law changes have brought attention to kava and its benefits.
What is the Australian Kava scene looking like?
Within months of the January 2022 kava law changes, online sellers have sprung up. There are already over 50 online kava sellers in Australia. Much like the US, there is varying degrees of kava varieties and quality in the market. Already there are fast risers, such as Australia Kava Shop. They import only certified noble variety kava and have a long history in the kava space prior to the new laws.
Much like Florida in the early 2000's, the ground zero kava bar scene is starting slowly. However, with the advent of Kavafied's kava shaker machine and Kava washing machine, it is expected to grow very quickly. Already there are 2 kava bars in Brisbane and 3 in Sydney!
Aluball Kava Shaker - taking Australia by storm.
Kavafied has always sold the Aluball Kava Shaker to Australian kava drinkers via Amazon and However, we shipped from the US which meant it was not always cost effective. Astute kava retailers in Australia picked up on this and have come on board as retail partners with Kavafied. Australia Kava Shop's Cameron McLeod explained "We brought the Aluball Kava Shaker onto our product range without expectations as to how well it would do. To be honest, we thought it would be a slow burn. We were stroked when our first shipment sold within 3 weeks!"
If you are wanting to buy the Aluball Kava Shaker and live in Australia, then we highly recommend clicking HERE to have one delivered to you within days. If you were one of the early Australian Aluball Kava Shaker ambassadors and are looking at replacing the Aluball in your shaker, Australia kava Shop will also have them in stock in September.